Clear your head trash with the support of a group, and Alexia's guidance
Contact information
Choose a pricing option
- Preferred optionPay in full £555£555.00
- Preferred optionPay in 4 payments: 4 x £1554x £155.00
Choose your price
Payment information
Head Trash Clear Out - GROUP£0
This 5-week group program is the perfect blend of one-to-one and group support.
What's included
What's included
- Personal Head Trash Clearance Plan delivered to you via video [worth £200]
- 5 x Weekly Group Calls
- Group Clearance Sessions [worth £250]
- Head Trash Clearance Prep book
- Clear Your Head Trash online course [worth £300]
- Private Support Group [priceless]
- Total payment
- 1xHead Trash Clear Out - GROUP£0-+
- Discount
- Shipping£0
- Sales tax£0
- Total
- Today's payment
- Head Trash Clear Out - GROUP£0
- Discount
- Shipping£0
- Sales tax£0
- Total
- Future payments
- £0
- Discount£0
- Shipping£0
- Sales tax£0
- Future amount
£0 - Today's payment:
£0 - Today's payment
All prices in GBP